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5 Useful Tools From EZ2290 That Every Trucker Must Use

Useful Tools From EZ2290 That Every Trucker Must Use

Here are 5 tools from EZ2290 that every trucker must use to simplify their 2290 tax prep and 2290 eFiles.

Being a trucker is not easy. 

There is so much to a trucking business than what meets the eye.

And you’ll likely find a small truck business owner to be moderately busy almost every day. 

There are places to go, shipments to transport, and people to connect with. Right from managing highway permissions, and vehicle registrations, to HVUT tax compliance, there’s a lot that trucking businesses have to deal with. 

It would be unfair for one of the most hardworking communities in the U.S. to work endless hours, and then worry a little more when it comes to preparing and filing their HVUT tax forms. 

So, we’ve put together the five most useful tools that can help make your (a trucker) life a little easier. 

These tools are specifically directed towards preparing your 2290 forms, filing your HVUT forms online, and accessing the necessary help online. 

So, let’s get to it.

Virtual 2290 Tax Calculator 

This goes without saying. 

Calculating your HVUT can be slightly confusing, especially if you’ve just bought a used vehicle from a previous truck owner. Or if there are taxes due on your vehicle beyond the current filing period. 

EZ2290 helps you with HVUT calculations in two ways. 

  1. You can use this smart HVUT calculator to calculate the HVUT for a filing period. Just enter the logging status of the vehicle, month of first use, and taxable gross weight of the vehicle. You’ll get the estimate. 

However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive computation, you can try entering the vehicle details in full on Form 2290 with EZ2290. 

But to access this dynamic calculator, you have to create an account. 

Register Here For Free

EZ2290’s dynamic 2290 truck tax calculator runs in the background. So, just focus on entering the data correctly. Once you’re through reporting on the 2290 Form, you will be able to see the total tax due. 

This is a convenient approach to calculate your HVUT tax without having to do the math.

Secure 2290 eFiling Platform 

While there are many ways to pay your HVUT and file your 2290 forms, nothing beats the convenience and the instantaneous experience that EZ2290 delivers. 

With EZ2290, you can pay your HVUT through a variety of payment methods and file your 2290 returns electronically. The best part is that you can submit your 2290 returns and get the IRS-stamped Schedule 1 instantly

Since EZ2290 is an IRS-authorized agent, you don’t have to worry about the authenticity. 

And what’s even better is that EZ2290’s e-transmission system is encrypted end-to-end. So, your data is truly yours.

VIN Correction Tools 

Many trucking businesses are usually in a hurry to report and file their 2290 returns. As a result, they tend to report their vehicle identification numbers incorrectly. Manual data entry processes further add to this issue. 

It’s not the lack of data that causes the issue. It’s just a simple and reasonable human error. However, this can cost trucking businesses greatly if not addressed.

2290 VIN Corrections must be filed separately to notify the IRS that the previously reported VINs were incorrect, and the freshly filed VIN Correction form must be considered for assessments.  

Now, the issue is so common that the IRS has added a designated VIN Correction box just for this purpose. 

What’s more? Each time you file this form, you’re charged a little fee by your providers. However, when you eFile with EZ2290, you can eFile your 2290 VIN Correction forms for free

If you’ve previously eFiled 2290 forms with EZ2290, your VIN Corrections can be filed at no additional cost.

And since you’ve eFiled Form 2290 with EZ2290, you will have all the information readily available on cloud storage (a space that you’re allotted when you sign up with EZ2290). This data not only helps you with VIN Corrections, but also with 2290 Amendments and other form corrections.

Bulk eFiles For 2290 Forms

Speaking of data. With EZ2290, you can import your bulk vehicle data within seconds to the end-to-end encrypted platform. This data will be stored on the cloud, and you can alter this data anytime you want. 

How is this useful? 

When you want to eFile several 2290 forms at once, bulk eFiling comes in handy. The data available on the cloud will be automatically populated across the forms, saving you time on manual data entry. 

At this point, you can switch to Managed Services from EZ2290. When you opt for this service, the entirety of the 2290 filing process will be handled and managed by the compliance teams at EZ2290. All you have to do is authorize the team to access the data. Don’t worry, EZ2290 has a very strict privacy policy.

It’s a huge weight off your shoulders. 
Learn more about Managed Services here.

  1. Online Assistance For 2290 Rejected Returns 

Businesses need help at unpredictable times. Maybe you were taking a peaceful nap until you realized that maybe (just maybe) you have entered the wrong legal name on your 2290 form. Or you simply forgot to enter the VIN for a newly bought vehicle. 

Look, mistakes happen all the time. What matters is how fast you act when you see it for what it is. 

With EZ2290, you can get online assistance for your 2290 filings within seconds.

Get in touch with EZ2290 support here and explain your issue. 

Depending on your issue, a customer success representative from the EZ2290 team will reach out to you and help find a resolution.

eFile Form 2290 For 2022 – 2023 Tax Period

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6 Stress Relief Tips For Truckers On The Job

tress Relief Tips For Truckers

Stressed? Try out these simple stress-relief tricks to calm yourself and get back on the road!

There is no doubt that truckers are one of the most hardworking communities in the country. 

While the emphasis on “trucking” is usually on the business, let’s shift the focus and pay attention to a key role in the industry – truckers. 

Truckers are always driving. They make sure that the loads reach the destination on time, and always put their 100% into their jobs. 

However, driving all day, every day is not an easy job. 

Although it might seem like a dream (Get paid to just drive around the country? Oh yes!), it fades away within a few weeks. 

After you’re accustomed to the job, all that’s left is traffic, urgent phone calls from the coordinators, and an over-stressed brain that is constantly navigating through a variety of landscapes.

This can be a lot. 

Thankfully, there are some inexpensive ways to make your life less stressful, more relaxing, and fun. 

If you look at the bright side, trucking jobs pay well and provide great job security. You get to drive across the country and enjoy some great scenic beauty.

While a stressed brain can make you overlook the perks of this life, these helpful tips aim to calm you down and appreciate the little things in life.

Keep reading to learn about these tips and try them out the next time you’re on the road.

Jam to some upbeat music 

A stressed brain is usually looking for a window to let out all that bottled-up energy. 

Feel-good, upbeat music is the answer to this. It can instantly lift your mood. 

You can also try listening to a new genre that you haven’t tried before. 

This way, your brain is trying something new and figuring out if it likes the new genre of music or not. 

Within this timeline, you’ll feel instantly better. 

Plus, you’ve discovered a new genre of music that you might  like! 

Listen to podcasts & audiobooks 

Who doesn’t love a good story? 

Our brain needs to focus on something other than driving to keep the stress levels in check. 

So, download some free audiobooks or podcasts on your phone, and plug them into your truck’s music system. 

When the right story captures your attention, driving will feel like a breeze. And before you even know it, you’d have reached your destination. 

There are certain podcasts that are published as audio series. Think of this as a Netflix series, but for listening. You’ll be too focused on the plot before you even know it. 

However, we recommend switching between podcasts and music so that your brain is alert yet relaxed at the same time. 

Pro Tip: Anything excessive can shift your attention away from driving, which is a strict no-no.

Watch your breath

Constant driving and navigating through the traffic can be difficult at times.

 It’s important to be aware of your breathing and focus on taking deep breaths. 

Here’s a simple exercise to keep a check on your breathing. 

Inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 8. Count the numbers as you breathe. This is a mindful breathing exercise recommended by many meditation schools. 

Repeat the exercise as many times as you want, until you feel calm and relaxed. 

Remember that breathing exercises are not just for driving. 

You should also consider practicing breathing exercises before you sleep so that you have a restful sleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and rested.

Turn up the radio 

Many truckers have suggested that listening to music can get old, especially if you’re listening to mainstream radio stations. 

Most stations play the same 10 songs over and over, which can get repetitive. 

So, try some non-music radio stations online to catch up on some news, interviews, comedy clubs, weather updates, traffic updates, celebrity gossip, and other entertainment to make your drive more interesting. 

A mind, busy being entertained, doesn’t have the time to stress. 

Feet on the ground

While gas station breaks are good for a quick bite and run. You also need a break from driving. 

So, pick a few minutes out of your busy schedule and park your truck somewhere neat so that you’re not blocking traffic and not interrupting anyone in your surroundings. 

Get off your truck and take off your shoes. Just let your feet touch the ground. Remove socks for a better experience. 

Studies show that barrier-free barefoot walks help heal your mind and body. 

The tension in your muscles starts to ease when you walk. 

And as your feet touch the ground, certain muscles in your foot start to relax, which are otherwise contracted. 

This improves blood circulation and boosts energy.

This technique is known to ease stress and improve cognitive functions, both of which are essential for a safe and comfortable driving experience. 

Plan your walks between 5-10 minutes every couple of hours. If you haven’t tried this before, you’ll certainly see a difference in your mood and how your body responds to stress.

Talk to your loved ones 

Studies show that spending time with your loved ones helps one feel better and perform better at work. 

While truckers like you are usually away from families, you can still connect with your loved ones through virtual means. 

Start a voice call to catch up with your family, FaceTime your friends, or just chat with your loved ones. 

Everyone loves a good conversation.

You can plan these calls around your lunch breaks or barefoot walks, so you have some good company. 

But if you prefer to stay off the grid, you can take out a simple notes app and write down whatever thoughts are crowding your mind. You don’t even have to detail the events or the thoughts, but just the thought of getting them out of your head and onto a piece of paper (virtual paper in this case) will make you feel better instantly. 

And when you’re done writing, you can just “delete” these anxiety-inducing thoughts. 

Bonus Tip: Eat fresh & healthy food 

Watch what you’re eating.

If you’re doing all the things above, but you’re still feeling stressed and tired, processed food is probably contributing to your stress and other physical problems. 

Don’t ignore your body’s signals. 

Nothing beats healthy food and good sleep. 

True. It can be hard to find “healthy” food while you’re driving and traveling across states, But try to choose the healthiest choices on the menu. 

Remember that an all-encompassing meal is healthy. Plan your meals in such a way that you’re getting all the nutrition you need on a daily basis. 

And of course, indulge in comfort food as you see fit. 

Reduce your body’s dependence on caffeine. 

Instead, pack a bunch of green tea bags so that you can dip them in warm water and drink it on your breaks or between trips. Green tea is known to be an enemy of stress

The goal is to feel good and relaxed no matter the method you select.

Mix and match the tips above and see how they work.

If you want more interesting tips, you can write to us at [email protected] and specify what would be of interest to you.

eFile Now Your Form 2290 With EZ2290

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7 Things To Consider Before Becoming A Commercial Truck Driver

Things To Consider Before Becoming A Commercial Truck Driver

Considering becoming a truck driver? Then here are 7 more things you should consider before you choose commercial truck driving as a long-term career option.


We all love them.

There are so many things to choose from. 

But when it comes to choosing a profession like ‘commercial truck driver’ as your full-time career, it’s important to base your decision on practical circumstances and knowledge. 

You can make this decision by weighing the pros and cons.

Your passion to become a truck driver for a commercial fleet company is a good start. 

But passion, too, needs direction and consistency. 

So, ask yourself the following question. 

How prepared are you for this role? 

If you’re under the assumption that truck drivers are mostly driving around, crossing states, unloading orders, and enjoying the scenic view, you’re not wrong

Truck drivers do get to do all that. 

But there’s more to this job than just driving. 

Just like any other job, truck driving tests your driving skills, people skills, time management skills, and other skills. 

But how? 

By the end of this read, you’ll find answers to this question.

Let’s look at commercial truck driving with a logical sense.

The Job Pays Well

Just wanted to start off this read with a positive note. Yes. Truck driving pays well. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay of an average truck driver in the U.S. is around $48,000 in 2021. 

The more experience you add to your profile, the higher the pay. The highest-paid truck drivers were only 10%, yet they were paid $72,700. 

Of course, this kind of pay comes after you’ve completed regulatory training and tests. But after that, the pay basically takes care of you in the long term.

And to be realistic, not every truck driver is promised a 48K pay range in a year. Some truck drivers get paid less than $30,000 a year. That’s pretty decent if you’re just starting out and if you have no prior experience. 

It’s essential to note that truck driving is all about how well you manage your time and hone your skills as you’re on the job. The more you train and the more alert you are when you drive, the more trucking companies will rely on you for commercial transportation, improving your pay within years. 

This just shows how professional and mindful you have to be on your job, all day, every day, in order to get paid that much.

The Trucking Industry Is Booming 

The trucking industry is here to stay. Be it manufacturing, retail, construction, or any other industry. 

They all depend on commercial transportation on some level. 

In fact, statistics show that the U.S. trucking industry’s revenue in 2021 is valued at $732 Billion

When the world was sinking in revenues during the peak of the Covid-19 global pandemic in 2020, the trucking industry in the U.S. was making record revenue at $791.7 Billion.

The current employment growth rate is at 6% annually with an average of 200,000+ jobs being projected every year, over the next decade. 

So, it’s safe to say that commercial truck driving jobs are here to stay for the foreseeable future.

If you plan on becoming a truck driver, you’re looking for a job that pays you well and secures your future. 

That’s a win-win.

Timing Is Everything

When we say truck driving tests your patience, we really mean it. 

You’re looking at starting your job at, say, 7 AM, and reaching the location destination by 1 PM. Most trucking companies are pretty strict about these deadlines and require the loads to reach the destination by pre-determined timelines. 

Now, this doesn’t seem so bad!

Well, when you consider other factors, which are interconnected with this one, you’ll see how this may not be so easy.

Keep reading.

All That Driving Has An Impact On Your Health 

When you’re a commercial truck driver, your dispatcher will connect with you to make sure that you’re taking the best route to reach the destination on time. 

You can’t stop for breaks longer than 5-10 minutes because longer halts prolong your timeline, making you miss the intended deadline. 

You have to weather through annoying traffic in order to get to highways. 

And then there are nature calls, which require you to hit the brakes in the middle of nowhere. 

Most importantly, you’ll be constantly driving for long hours, which will have an impact on your cognitive functions. 

You can’t drink too much water because it will lead to frequent halts. And if you don’t drink enough water, you’ll be dehydrated. 

The constant vibration for prolonged hours takes a toll on your muscle health and neuro health. 

And if you’re not big on fitness, just a one-way trip could easily tire you out – and this is not a good thing for a truck driver. 

But then, you did not sign up for this job for one day. 

You will have to do this every day. 
So, you will have to get better at handling your health and time while managing your job.

Hygiene Concerns 

You’re driving inside a small space for long hours. Your body will naturally sweat through the day, and you will have very little time and means to take care of your body. 

Most drivers prefer taking the next load instead of jumping in for a quick shower at the trucking facilities (because more loads and trips mean bonus pay). 

This, combined with minimal availability of public toilets, could impact your hygiene and eventually, your health. 

This is especially bad during winters when most public spaces are closed down or blocked due to heavy snowfall.

Elements & Traffic Are A “Normal” Part Of Your Job 

We all drive through the elements. But this is not the same as driving a truck that is loaded. 

Accelerating, decelerating, controlling the speed, and braking through damped roads can be especially complex for truck drivers. 

It’s even difficult when there’s an unprecedented downpour or early snowfall.

And the traffic maneuvering is different from a truck driver’s perspective. You can never be too close to “regular” vehicles on the highways, and you always have to maintain a safe distance from other trucks. 

Driving a truck won’t be the same as driving with a companion. You won’t have friends or family to accompany you on your long journeys. 

Technically, every day is a long road trip but with a deadline. 

The best policy when on the road is to avoid accidents at all costs. 

Compliance Is Your No.1 Priority 

Getting a valid trucking driver’s license, registering the truck, maintaining all the necessary paperwork, and taking the training necessary to qualify for the job. These are all a part of the regulatory compliance protocol. 

You cannot drive a truck that weighs 55,000 pounds or more (plus loading weight) and maze it through the national highway without prior experience or training. 

That’s just a very bad accident waiting to happen. 

So, it’s important to comply and carry all the paperwork, certificates, license, registration, and other permits with you at all times. The fact that you have all these permits and licenses is testimony to your professionalism, training, and expertise. 

And if you’re a self-employed truck driver, it’s essential you prepare and file your 2290 returns online to pay your HVUT tax and get Schedule 1 (also known as “proof of payment”). 

You have to take a few quick minutes out of your busy schedule to pay your HVUT taxes and eFile 2290 forms to the IRS. 

With EZ2290, you can do all this on the go in just a few quick steps.

Follow this guide to file and pay your HVUT taxes before the deadline.

Go paperless for your next 2290 filings with EZ2290. 

Get Started Now & eFile Form 2290 For 2022-2023 Tax Period

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Get Stamped Schedule-1 in Minutes!

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